
We strongly encourage patients to book in advance. 

P R I C E    M E N U

 per session

Lymphatic Massage $175Lymphatic Massage w/Complication $225

Note: Wound Complication, Do no qualify for package deal.

Deep Lymphatic Massage $200Deep Lymphatic Massage w/Complication $250Ultrasonic Treatment                                         $180Wood Therapy Treatment $180Breast Massage $85Breast Massage w/Complication   $150

Note: Wound Complication, Do no qualify for package deal.

Deep Facial Massage $100Facial Ultrasonic Treatment                                 $100Facial Massage $85Virtual Consultation  $25Fibrosis Treatment                                          $240

Note: 5 Session minimum for treatment, Supplies included with price.

per day

Live-in Stay $400Live-in Caregiver 24hr $550

P A C K A G E   D E A L S

Note: Package Deals, excludes in-home session. 

10x Lymphatic Massage $1250
5x Lymphatic Massage $750
5x Breast Massage $375
5x Facial Massage $375
5x Facial  Ultrasonic Treatment $475
5x Ultrasonic Treatment $775
5x Wood Therapy Treatment  $775
5x Postpartum Massage  $725

Updated  01.2024